Mineral Creek Falls

This is one of the sweetest 2 mile hikes in New Mexico...!!!


Do not visit any New Mexico waterfall during a drought

Mineral Creek Falls is splendid and 40’ high


Mineral Creek Falls is a two mile hike upstream from the parking at Forest Road 157… 4 miles round trip


Then in between your wheels and the falls is 30’ wide Mineral Creek Arch...!!



...and half way between the parking and the natural arch is the 12’ high lower falls




beta facts:

name- Mineral Creek Falls

height- 40’

elevation- 6789’

GPS coordinates- ±32°58’13.879”N 107°44’19.432”W

flow- USGS topos call this stream perennial, but it could go dry during extra dry years

season- March, April and August thru October

accommodations- none

ownership- Gila National Forest

access- this is a 2 mile hike, mostly trail until last ¼-mile rock-hopping

nearest town- Kingston is about 4.5 miles south of here

fun fact- This is a place that I shall make return visits to...!!!



essay bro

Even after the forest fire has burned this whole area..... it is still a WAY beautiful place.......!!!

***Friends of mine have wonderful photos of their visit to Coffee Cave, which is near the Mineral Creek Natural Arch.  See the map below.  It has beautiful but very fragile calcite formations… stalactites & stalagmites… and it is gated and locked for its protection.  The USFS requires you register your visit with them and they will provide you with a key for your legal entry.  Headlamps are a must.  


...Also Devon Fletcher has some unfortunate “news” about this area: http://southernnewmexicoexplorer.blogspot.com/


Please feel free to right-click-save-as on the map below to save yourself a hard copy 

Enhanced USGS 7.5’ topo map


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